首页 » 立博平台 » 可访问性声明


URL: http://dan48.com

重点大学 is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We want everyone who visits our website to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding, 无论技术或能力. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone and applying the relevant accessibility standards. If you have questions, comments, or encounter any difficulty in using our site, please contact webcontent@dan48.com.


重点大学 has adopted the best practices and standards as defined by 《立博平台》第508条.S. 康复法案 and Level A and AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) per the Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG.1. These guidelines explain how to make web content accessible for people with disabilities.

在这方面, 对于现有页面, 以及所有新的网络开发, 我们使用Siteimprove等网站开发工具, 波浪评估工具, 和斧 DevTools, in addition to NVDA and JAWS screen-reading software, to help us identify accessibility issues. New web content is optimized for the latest stable releases of the most commonly used browsers (Chrome, 边缘, Safari, 和火狐)以及操作系统(Windows 10), OS X v. 10.10、Android版本7.0和iOS 10.3.3). 我们定期执行手动可用性测试.

In addition, 重点大学 takes the following measures to ensure accessibility:

  • 无障碍是我们内部政策的一部分.
  • Clear accessibility targets and responsibilities exist within the organization.
  • Formal accessibility quality assurance methods exist within the organization.


We are striving to achieve and maintain our goal of WCAG 2.1、一致性等级AA. We are committed to monitoring the website regularly and performing updates when issues are discovered and/or brought to our attention, so that we may be inclusive of everyone and provide access to quality content. We are aware that there may be some older content that is less than 100 percent compliant, but we are working to get all content to a uniform level of accessibility. 如果您已到达无法访问的页面, please contact us as described above at your earliest convenience.

Partially conformant: Some parts of the content do not fully conform to the above accessibility standard.


Despite our best efforts, users may experience some issues. This is a description of known accessibility issues. Please contact us if you observe an issue that is not listed.

  • Navigation Menu: While our navigation menus can be used with the keyboard (tab, 输入, 空间), some areas have not been labeled intuitively for screen readers. 我们正在积极解决这一问题.
  • Text not included in ARIA landmarks: Some content may be hard to navigate or identify as their landmarks are incorrectly structured. While this is a best practice and not required for WCAG 2.1遵守, we are actively working to resolve this issue so that screen readers and users who depend on landmarks can navigate our site with ease.
  • Links in the same 上下文 with the same text alternative: Some pages include two or more links that have the same exact link text, 尽管指向不同的页面. 这无法通过WCAG 2.1成功标准2.4.4:链接目的(上下文中). Every effort is made to ensure that the purpose of the links with identical accessible names are not ambiguous. This issue may also appear on recurring event pages with links to each date of the event. While links with the same text that go to different locations can introduce potential confusion, 上下文, including each date of the event appears next to the repeated link text which provides differentiation.
  • Inaccessible documents: Some documents such as PDFs are in less accessible formats. We are actively working to make all future PDFs accessible.
  • Color contrast does not meet enhanced requirement: Some backgrounds and text areas do not meet AAA conformance. Efforts are being made to meet this standard as soon as possible.
  • 标题后缺少内容. Some pages do not meet Si conformance for heading hierarchy. Efforts are being made to meet this standard as soon as possible.

Compatibility with browsers and assistive technology

This site is designed to be compatible with the following browsers:

  • 谷歌Chrome
  • 火狐
  • 微软的优势
  • Safari

This site is designed to be compatible with the following assistive technologies:

  • JAWS屏幕阅读器
  • Chrome屏幕阅读器扩展


Accessibility of this site relies on the following technologies to work:

  • HTML
  • wai - aria
  • CSS
  • Javascript


重点大学 cannot ensure or control the accessibility conformance for externally linked websites or embedded content.


重点大学 accesses the accessibility of this site using the following method(s):

  • Self-evaluation: The site was evaluated internally using the following tools:
    • 波浪评估工具
    • 斧DevTools
    • JAWS屏幕阅读器
  • External evaluation: The site was evaluated by an external entity not involved in the design and development process.
    • Siteimprove


这是最近对该遗址的评估报告 可以在这里找到. (PDF)


We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of this site. Please contact us via one of the following methods:

  • 电话:570-945-8125
  • 电子邮件:webcontent@dan48.com
  • Postal Address: 一个学院的绿色, La Plume, PA 18440

We aim to respond to feedback within two business days.


This statement was created on July 22, 2021 using the Siteimprove无障碍语句生成器工具.

The 重点大学 Office of College Communications developed and maintains the accessibility policy which was approved by the President’s Cabinet in July 2021.